Schools are required to conduct a
minimum number of fire drills each year and will generally conduct a
drill near the beginning of the school year. (Today, 3rd of December, we're running one in our high school) The purpose of these
drills is to make sure that the school building can be completely and
quickly evacuated in an orderly manner. A little practice can help to
eliminate panic in the event of a real fire.
In Case of Fire
In the event of an actual fire, it is very important that members of the school staff do not panic and work to keep all students calm. A quick and orderly evacuation of students and personnel should be the top priority. Other important steps are to sound the fire alarm and to close classroom and office doors after exiting. Closing the door behind you can help to minimize the spread of smoke and fire. Do not try to fight the fire yourself, just get out as quickly and calmly as possible.
The Purpose of the Fire Drill
Fire drills are intended to ensure, by means of Training and Rehearsal that in the event of fire:- The people who may be in danger act in a calm and orderly manner.
- Those people who may have designated responsibilities carry out their tasks to ensure the safety of all concerned.
- The escape routes are used in accordance with a Predetermined and Practised Plan.
- Evacuation of the building is achieved in a speedily and orderly manner.
- To promote an attitude of mind where-by persons will react
rationally when confronted with a fire or other emergency at school
or elsewhere.
- On hearing the fire alarm, pupils must be instructed to leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner.
- The person in charge of each class must indicate the exit route to be used and everyone must be directed to a Predetermined Assembly Point.
- Specific arrangements must be made for pupils with physical or mental disabilities to ensure that they are assisted during evacuation.
- No running is to be permitted to avoid panic.
- On staircases everyone must descend in single file. Overtaking of classes or individuals must not be permitted.
- Anyone who is not in class when the fire alarm sounds must go immediately to the assembly point.
- No one must be allowed to re-enter the building until told to
do so by the Fire Service in attendance, or, in the
case of a fire evacuation drill the senior person in charge.
- An area outside the school premises must be designated as an assembly point.(The entrance of the school and the bus park)