On the first of October, we had the opportunity to listen to a former student, Mar Galindo Merino, who is now a teacher at the university of Alicante. She spoke about the importance of learning English and other languages.
We have selected some reviews of the lecture written by our students.
Last Thursday, Mrs María del Mar Galindo, a former student from I.E.S Doctor Francisco Marín, our high school, gave to us a quite interesting speech about the importance of learning languages.
First of all, the director and Manolo Barea whose teaches us Spanish, told us who Maria deal Mar is and some facts about her life.
Then, she started talking, I have to say that she looked sure of herself. She tried to explain us the importance of learning English talking about her life's experiences and how she had achieved all her goals. At the end, Maria del Mar gave us some tips and the one which I liked the most was " live the language ". I think you have to do what you love and if you want something, don't let it go. Follow your dreams and you'll achieve your aims with effort, constancy and never giving up. (Alicia Martínez)
What was the speech about?
The speech was about the importance of speaking English and about the goals you can achieve just by speaking this language.
It was impressive to know all the things she had done and all the places she had been to because of that.
At the end of the speech, she gave us ten tips to learn English, and I'm sure a lot of people that listened to the speech will try to improve their English. I think I will, because she seemed really happy and made me feel like I can do whatever I want just by working hard.
At the end of the speech, she gave us ten tips to learn English, and I'm sure a lot of people that listened to the speech will try to improve their English. I think I will, because she seemed really happy and made me feel like I can do whatever I want just by working hard.
Who knows? Maybe in a couple of years some students from the IES Fco. Marín will be studying at the Hawaii University. (Nerea Pérez)
María del Mar is an example of a fighter woman. She is a clear example of effort and persistence. she Also showed us the importance of English, thanks to this, she has been traveling and meeting magnific places and people. She told us to achieve our dreams is a hard road but, with work, we can achieve them. (María Dolores López)
On the first of October, the opening ceremony of the academic year was celebrated. A Woman, Maria del Mar Galindo, who studied in our school came and she gave us a talk about how to get success in learning English. She told us her experiences around the world, showing us pictures of her trips.
She also highlighted in all the things that were posible to do thanks to her know ledge of English. Thanks to her attitude and efforts, her dreams came true. (Jesús López )
In this lecture she told us about her fascinating life. Since she finished her studies in the highschool, she has been doing a lot of interenting things.
First, she made a degree on Spanish Philology in the university of Alicante, and then she started to travel a lot around the world, keeping working and learning. She has had the opportunity of being in places like Hawai, Pensylvania, Brasil and many other fantastic places, where she met very important people like physicists, novelists, footballers... and she has won many prices to her work because she had never stopped looking for her dreams and she has always been brave to do the necessary things to achieve her goals. As she told us, this is the key for being successful. Well, obviously, you also have to be hardworking and tenacious; and the main thing that made possible for her to get all she has made it's that she knows English. Knowing English is very important if you want to travel abroad because you would need to speak with people from other countries.
Knowing English and working hard are essential facts in life, they can open a lot of doors to you. So, in conclusion, we have to be hardworking and fight for what we want. (Natalia Fernández)
Nowadays languages are so significant in our daily life that we should learn them for travelling, meeting new people, finding a job... Because of this, people try to learn many languages in little time, but this has a problem, they are so overwhelmed that they don't enjoy the language.
Last thursday, a former student of my high school, called Mar Galindo, came back to give us a conference about how to get the success in the learning of languages. She told us lots of amazing things that she had got thanks to the fact that she spoke different languages, and she finished the conference with a pattern for learning languages better.
To my mind, the best guidelines that she gave us are:
· Be patient, because you don't know a language in a day, so you must be constant and not give up.
· Do not worry about mistakes, nobody is perfect and the best way to learn is having errors.
· Find a motivation, why do you want to learn a language? It would be easier if you have a strong reason.
· Travel, the best way for learning a language is to practice it.
· Live the language and enjoy it!
(Ana Maria Idáñez)
María del Mar is an example of a fighter woman. She is a clear example of effort and persistence. she Also showed us the importance of English, thanks to this, she has been traveling and meeting magnific places and people. She told us to achieve our dreams is a hard road but, with work, we can achieve them. (María Dolores López)
On the first of October, the opening ceremony of the academic year was celebrated. A Woman, Maria del Mar Galindo, who studied in our school came and she gave us a talk about how to get success in learning English. She told us her experiences around the world, showing us pictures of her trips.
She also highlighted in all the things that were posible to do thanks to her know ledge of English. Thanks to her attitude and efforts, her dreams came true. (Jesús López )
In this lecture she told us about her fascinating life. Since she finished her studies in the highschool, she has been doing a lot of interenting things.
First, she made a degree on Spanish Philology in the university of Alicante, and then she started to travel a lot around the world, keeping working and learning. She has had the opportunity of being in places like Hawai, Pensylvania, Brasil and many other fantastic places, where she met very important people like physicists, novelists, footballers... and she has won many prices to her work because she had never stopped looking for her dreams and she has always been brave to do the necessary things to achieve her goals. As she told us, this is the key for being successful. Well, obviously, you also have to be hardworking and tenacious; and the main thing that made possible for her to get all she has made it's that she knows English. Knowing English is very important if you want to travel abroad because you would need to speak with people from other countries.
Knowing English and working hard are essential facts in life, they can open a lot of doors to you. So, in conclusion, we have to be hardworking and fight for what we want. (Natalia Fernández)
Nowadays languages are so significant in our daily life that we should learn them for travelling, meeting new people, finding a job... Because of this, people try to learn many languages in little time, but this has a problem, they are so overwhelmed that they don't enjoy the language.
Last thursday, a former student of my high school, called Mar Galindo, came back to give us a conference about how to get the success in the learning of languages. She told us lots of amazing things that she had got thanks to the fact that she spoke different languages, and she finished the conference with a pattern for learning languages better.
To my mind, the best guidelines that she gave us are:
· Be patient, because you don't know a language in a day, so you must be constant and not give up.
· Do not worry about mistakes, nobody is perfect and the best way to learn is having errors.
· Find a motivation, why do you want to learn a language? It would be easier if you have a strong reason.
· Travel, the best way for learning a language is to practice it.
· Live the language and enjoy it!
(Ana Maria Idáñez)